Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Across the ditch...

The team embarked in high spirits, although tired, to Aussie to begin their mission.

On arrival, heat was duly expected but none would have assumed the incredible price of a simple meal in australia. As Gary says: "get a mortgage to buy some chips!".

We have enjoyed free time with the projects delay and have been reading much. Had a great time of praise to our heavenly dad, and we hope to have many more. We are blessed to have a pool to cool down after well, after anything! We are reding together through book 5 of John Pipers "the swans are not silent". It is a great challenge to our hearts and our minds to see brother and sisters have gone before us in boldness and ready to join the martyrs for Jesus.

Australians are starting to arrive and the project shall start tomorrow afternoon which we look forward to. Please pray for us that we can kick off the project in fellowship and unity with our brothers and sisters on project, that we will put our knowledge of God's ways to great use on this trip!


1 comment:

  1. Chris, Brother, Glad to hear you made it to the golden coast and were challenged. I believe you are are back in NZ and preparing to begin another semester at Otago. Cant wait to hear from you.
